i wonder why the sky is blue
but turns to gold before the night
and then it's black though it's packed
with million shining stars
and how do birds find their way
without a map, how strange is that
i wonder what a whale could tell
if we could translate it's chants
oh lord, i'm just a simple man
certain things a man can't understand
i wonder why someone with
enough cash to buy a town
only wants to be more rich
but still to live alone
and how can someone be so fool
to cut a bud before the bloom
others even try to judge those guys
for growing up those fancy plants
oh lord, i'm just a simple man
certain things a man can't understand
oh lord, i'm just a simple man
certain things a man can't understand
still i wonder most why telling the truth
is so hard, a source of fright
why do people believe those lies
stories and noble legends
oh lord, i'm just a simple man
certain things a man can't understand
oh lord, i'm just a simple man
certain things a man can't understand
(c) ilkka elo ~26.2.-3.3.2005