Dr.Groove: Content Provider

I've been writing some songs
For some many years now
I made some demo tapes
They all failed

It's so hard
To be a song writer
I wonder what to do
I need a better chance

I am just a songwriter
Would you buy me a drink?

Well I got a PC
Got on the Internet
Uploaded my songs
Into my home page

I got some hits
And quite a few downloads
And then I realized
I had changed

I am not a song-writer
I'm a content provider

I used to write some papers
Which nobody read
I wanted to do research
And win the Nobel prize

Then I posted my files
Up on the Internet
And what do you know
Things just changed

I'm not just a scientist
I'm a content provider

I used to write some code
It was full of bugs
It did not really run
It always hung

Then I gave it out as shareware
And IPO'd my "dot com"
And without a hitch
I was filthy rich

I am not a software engineer
I'm a paper millionaire

Now the times are tough
Stocks are down
I wonder what’s hot,
The Internet is not

My guitar and me,
We are still making music
I guess what counts
Is who you really are

I’m a songwriter
And darn proud of it!