Here you go then. Huge pressure. You can imagine how much pressure you bild up to yourself in almost 2 years of not making tracks, i almost begun to think that music is not my "thing", until i sat again on the computer and really enjoyed making music again. Allthough this is proably not a mindblowing masterpiece i sure had some fun making it.
The first track i made with reason and first track in Mikseri for over a year. Still learning the wonders of Reason so this is a bit of a test track
Track made to madtracker compo now available here too, a bit hissing and clicking in some parts. "strings" are build from one synthsample and two mellotronsamples. This track can be found also from MOAD compilation -
Melancholic ambient tune with mellotron sounds at the end... Not a real mellotron :)
loistavaa taustamusaksi pelatessa biljardia, cool