
Auer 21.07.2006


Hauras harmaa, aamujen auer. Hiljainen.
Ensimmäinen kappale demolta: Aamujen Auer.

Fragile grey, haze of mornings. Silent.
First track from the demo: The Haze of Mornings.

- Haegl, july '06.

9.44   16 5878 plays

Kuiske 31.03.2006


Usvahuntujen ylle heitti pimeys verkkonsa.
Toinen kappale demolta: Aamujen Auer.

Upon the veils of fog the darkness throw its nets.
Second track from the demo: The Haze of Mornings.

- Haegl, april '06.

9.23   8 4309 plays

Suopursu 14.01.2006


Kurjenhuuto ylläni. Veden väki vierelläni.
Kolmas kappale demolta: Aamujen Auer.

Scream of crane upon me. Folk of water in my side.
Third track from the demo: The Haze of Mornings.

- Haegl, september '05

9.35   10 4981 plays
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