Brutal death metal from Helsinki. More information: WWW.LITHURIA.COM
For a long time drummer Perttu Kurttila had aspired to found an actual brutal death
metal band. In the summer of 2005 Perttu met with Jesse Ronimus, who was a vocalist
at that time, and together they decided to start a new band. Perttu contacted a
fellow, he%u2019d met before only via the internet, named Jose Valli, who gladly
participated as guitarist for the group. For the job of the second guitarist,
Krister Lahti, an old friend of Jose%u2019s, was selected.
After two songs were put up, the guys decided to record an experimental demo to hear
how the band actually sounds. It was recorded in their rehearsal room and never
really published or released anywhere. At that time %u2013 around Christmas %u2013 another
friend of Perttu%u2019s, Antti Poutanen, joined their ranks as a bass player after an
New and improved songs were created in a fast pace and already in the late spring of
2006, the group decided to lay out a real demo for the already growing fan base.
Unfortunately Mr. Ronimus had to be kicked out of the band due to differing
opinions, and after a mishap or two Perttu and Kride (Krister) ended up doing the
vocals on the demo. In the end, neither one of the guys were really satisfied with
the outcome and decided not to send or publish that one anywhere either.
Nowadays the record has been on for sale at gigs and other special occasions.
At the break of that summer they started searching for a new vocalist, and sure
enough, couple weeks later Jarno Kolehmainen contacted Perttu via e-mail and were
considered a full member of the band only after a few test sessions and rehearsals.
So the ensemble was complete and Lithuria could concentrate in what was really
important: making brutal fucking death metal. A new demo, with brand new songs, was
recorded in the fall of the same year. It also made performing possible and already
after a couple of gigs the band is ready for more!
Jarno Kolehmainen (V), Kride Lahti (G), Tumppi Yli-Jaskari (G), Antti Poutanen (B), Perttu Kurttila (D)
Musiikki videoo ei
löydy / näy
missään!!! Youtube on
bannannu sen :(
Soitto on hyvää ja
biisit on hyviä, mutta
mikä hitto tuota
"laulajaa" vaivaa? Ihan
hirveetä paskaa.
Helvetin taitavasti
tehtyä tavaraa, mutta
siis toi vokalisointi
sille vähän
ihmetyttää jotenkin
että ihan hyväähän
sekin on mutta tuntuis
että siihen tarttis
joko kaveriks tai muuten
vaan sekaan semmotteen
vähän matalamman
murinan taitajan, kun
toi on tom
Huomio huomio!
Lithurian täyspitkä
räkäuloste on
kohtuulliseen hintaan,
ei muuten riipu
meistä!) kaikista
7.7.2010 alkaen.
Debyytti on nimetty
"Pimps of the Living
Dead"ksi! Luvassa puolen
..luvassa puolen tunnin
tiivis paketti
gruuvaavaa, brutaalia ja
erilaista death
metallia! Levyä saa
ostettua myös ennakkoon
Tuskan jatkoilla
lauantaina Virgin
oilissa! Nähään
Artistilla ei valitettavasti toistaiseksi ole kappaleita Mikseri.netissä. Voit halutessasi kuunnella kappaleita artisteilta, jotka ovat
merkinneet tämän artistin vaikutteekseen.
Voit myös lisätä omalle kotisivullesi soittimen, joka soittaa tältä artistilta vaikutteita saanutta musiikkia. Lisää vaikutesoitin sivullesi
Musiikki videoo ei löydy / näy missään!!! Youtube on bannannu sen :(