
LEFT TOWERS | 21.05.2010 | Progressive Rock
10.00   254 plays


Bones and skulls, all in disorder,
Where needed instructions may be?
To build my nasty piece of art,
I need (the) instructions now!

Hold on for the premiere,
Reveal hour,

I have these souls in pieces,
Pieces unidentified,
Someone did pray for these souls,
It can’t be seen otherwise,

Bones and skulls, all in its beauty,
Why someone licked off the dirt,
The soil, its Gods ingredient mother fuck,
I need the dirt right now!

Help me, someone…
Help me, someone…
Help me, someone…
Help me, someone…

I have these souls in pieces,
Pieces unidentified,
Someone did pray for these souls,
It can’t be seen otherwise,
Promise that bones will be sacrificed!


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bleakcrowd 28.05.2010
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