
That Buddy Leezle Joint feat. Buddy Leezle 25.06.2007


A track we did with the San Francisco MC Buddy Leezle (also known from the band 215: The Freshest Kids). Coming out on his new mixtape/album "Hipster Jesus" later this year, also featuring production from Curtis Vodka, Dreday, Al Ripken Jr etc. Let the afro go and rock a caesar, homies.

(feel free 2 comment, too)

9   0 271 kuuntelua
Experimental Hip-Hop

Scared Money 09.11.2006


This is the new era... the birth of horror movie crunk rock. Get scared, my babies!!

(comment if you please...)

9.5   0 413 kuuntelua

To Live And Die In M.I. 10.05.2006


This is a musical trip to Miami - The City of Miami known as the "Magic City" is located in Southeast Florida, in Miami-Dade County on the Miami River, between the Florida Everglades and the Atlantic Ocean. Take a trip and feel free to comment on your journey!

9.4   5 976 kuuntelua
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