Tämmöisiin kuitenkin joudutaan todennäköisesti joskus sitten turvautumaan.
Edelleen päitä raavituttaa se kumma syy, jonka vuoksi kaasupoljin ei vain voi pureutua lattian läpi.
Tätä en oikeastaan tajunnut ennen kuin naapurin piski sen opetti.
Kannattaa kuitenkin muistaa, että ei ole täysin varmaa, olemmeko vielä ohittaneet suodattimen, mutta olisi silti kauhistuttavaa, jos esimerkiksi Marsista löytyisi raunio, koska se tarkoittaisi, että olisimme jo ohittaneet suodattimen.
Tämänkin vuoden kilpailuissa saatiin vahva näyttö siitä, mihin kaikkeen hienoon erinäiset kädelliset kykenevätkään.
Heitä pitäisi opettaa tajuamaan, että Jumalan pelko on viisauden alku.
Oli jo aikakin ottaa musiikillamme kantaa nykypäivän musiikin sanalla sanoen surkuhupaisaan tilaan.
Atmosfäärinen scifikertomus 11 kitarasoololla. Piiloviestien etsijät, älkää vaivautuko.
Vanha klassikko sai viimein realisaationsa. Varokaa metsuroidessanne ydinsäteileviä avaruusapinoita!
How can we move towards future if there are small snails and giant snails and concrete snails slumbering everywhere?
Music: J.G. & J.V. Lyrics: J.G.
Co. produced: J. Liimatainen
A song about time when children are born so physically and mentally sick that their human bodies won't be able to support them in their pathetic lives.
Music: J.V. Lyrics: J.V. & J.G.
Co. produced: J. Liimatainen
When there's nuthin' left to do but to cry about the gray mass and the foolishness of the whole world in general, maybe it would be the time to take your rainbow-coloured crayons with you and leave for some place you can never be found.
Music, lyrics: J.G.
Co. produced: J. Liimatainen
We just felt like recording this song at the bottom of a nearby lake. Anyway this is a very powerful song with very educational function. It tells about the saddest accidents of the entire universe which actually is a hologram. The song contains lyrics that might offend and it might be that you don't want to listen to it but please do it anyway because we really think this is quite a good song with deep meaning.
Drums performed by J.G. Music & lyrics: J.G.
He is simply the one and only possible saviour of the universe that has begun to rot in a very ugly manner. Maybe handling everyday distresses might be easier when licking ice cream. Maybe after noticing that ice cream cone tastes like cardboard you can find yourself in an unbearable state of despair. We can never know for sure, to be honest...
Music: J.G. & J.V. Lyrics: J.G.
Co. produced: J. Liimatainen
It's a great pleasure for us to be able to play this kind of medieval music. When we performed this beside a beautiful lake in the year of our lord 1170, we nearly got beheaded because of the nasty overall sound.
Music & lyrics: J.G.
Co. produced: J. Liimatainen
Actually autotuning this 'lil piece of music took some time and caused the little delay of release. Anyway we hope that you enjoy everything in this song but the horrible intro-thingy which we were forced to add by our producer.
Or maybe it is the only listenable part in the song? You shall judge.
Music: J.V. Lyrics: J.G.
Co. prod: J. Liimatainen
Onneks en nähny teitä livenä.