Under You

KlubiKirves | 27.09.2007 | Thrash Metal

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Kappaleen sanat


Everywhere is bad and good,
that's the rule of hood.
It's surely very hard to choose,
if you don't know the true.

Run away!
Fast as you can!
Satan is under you!
Run away!

Deal with the devil and angels could,
give you some help to situations right?
Both have their own opinions and,
both also know what is right!
But who asked your opinion in this shit?
However your decision is deal between,
devil and angels and law system,
and behind everything is fear of death!

What would kill alive?
If not bullet in the heart!
Beast of hell is under you,
he's taking pieces from your mind.

Run away!
Fast as you can!
Under you!
Run away!

If you're looking for the right way,
you might get lost, cause
there isn't just the right way,
my way was way of rock!
Whatever your way is!
It's going lost or you hate it!
Don't follow way which goes wrong.
Make your way be strooooooong!


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KKPK 27.01.2009
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