Alternative Rock

Neural Scan 20.07.2011


All those nights I spent awake
thinking how I’ll find the way
tell myself it’s all okay
trust again, someone, someday

Like going through a neural scan
Invested in my braincells plans
Drilling deeper to the core
Until my mind purely sore

I’m strangling shadows here alone
until the answers call me home

The drowning of my only friend
is giving me a hand to lend

All those fights I had alone
Hanging for the great unknown
tell myself it’s all okay
trust again, someone, someday

Like going through a neural scan
Invested in my braincells plans
Drilling deeper to the core
Until my mind...

-   0 189 kuuntelua
Alternative Rock

Letters 20.07.2011


This bowl of soup has rottened away
There’s nothing left here worth to stay
The smell in here reminds of you
It’s bitter, salty, sweet and blue

One more word and I will fade away
The letters on this book, they told me so

These walls are nearing all around
Nothing here is making a sound
The taste in here reminds of you
It’s bitter, salty, sweet and blue

One more word and I will fade away
The letters on this book, they told me so
Act the final scene before applause
Cross the border for the final time

-   0 181 kuuntelua
Alternative Rock

The Moment 20.07.2011


I just want to hit the bottle
Just want to drown into this sorrow
for what I’ve been looking for
This might just be the door

I fail to see the good right now
I’d like to only ask you how
we never wanted anything
except the moment of our sin

I’m glad the pain is still with me
or else my mind could set me free
The only way to realize
is just to face my all sweet lies

My incestines are screaming for more
They’re screaming like a dirty street whore
for why I’ve been looking for
Salvation is a bore

-   0 213 kuuntelua
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