Old School

Leave Me the Fuck Alone 18.04.2014


Tracks called leave me the fuck alone, just heard a beat by pro P jotted down some lyrics and what ended up was this track, just had a lot of fun with the lyrics and the flow.
Join my facebook https://www.facebook.c...

-   0 62 kuuntelua

Revenge At Last (Beat By Trackbangas) 28.03.2014


New shit, The title kind of tells it all, its revenge at last, this on a wutang type kind of beat went gritty on this one join me on facebook https://www.facebook.c...

-   0 65 kuuntelua

Here is to Us 06.04.2014


Here is to us assholes that sums it up pretty much, hope enjoy the track ! and please comment and tell me what you think

-   0 57 kuuntelua

Do It Again (Beat By Jahlil Beats) 25.03.2014


Revamped the last song, with a different beat and more lyrics and the quality is improved, hope you dig
this that new ish, join me on facebook https://www.facebook.c... Peace

-   0 52 kuuntelua

I Guess (god) 20.03.2014


A song about life and its trials and tribulations and how you ask god for his blessing but you never really know if you get it. Life a spiral of bullshit, misfortune, alcohol and medication. Hope you dig

5   0 76 kuuntelua
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