Alternative Hip-Hop

OsQ & Matti Rantakangas - You got nothin` 04.11.2009


Rock track with influences of hiphop. No, I haven`t changed style, I just like to experiment with music a bit. Matti gave me a great opportunity for that. And maybe we`ll come up with some more stuff... Enjoy! - OsQ

Lyrics by: OsQ (Vocals)
Produced by: Matti (Guitar, Chorus vocals)

9.5   0 956 kuuntelua

OsQ - Slackin` 31.03.2009


two verses in english o en på svenska. That laidback sound from KC

Lyrics by: OsQ
Beat by Aggster


9.4   12 1582 kuuntelua
Alternative Hip-Hop

OsQ - hopplös romantiker 02.01.2009


Beat by: Aggster
Lyrics by: OsQ

Teamwork between me and my neighbor who recently started to produce beats! Check it out!

8.88   26 1982 kuuntelua
Alternative Hip-Hop

OsQ - minnet från igår feat. Cee 06.07.2008


Hear me now! we have a new prjojekt, Gwan positive music. We have Olpek and Felon as producers, Cee and OsQ as mc:s. We make hiphop, Reggae, dubstep, Grime, DnB. Doesn`t really mather what the genre is, as long as we gwan positive

Produced by: Felon
Lyrics by: OsQ and Cee

9.75   4 1746 kuuntelua

LazyDayzy (Lazy Summer days) 01.10.2005


R.I.P summer of 2005

Lyrics by: Cee & OsQ
Produced by: Axinsane
Recorded and Mixed by: T.Laurmaa

9.62   50 9643 kuuntelua

They Don`t... 25.04.2005


Lyrics by: Cee and OsQ
Produced by: De (Rap-Arit) Thanks!
Recorded and mixed by: T. Laurmaa

9.12   96 27502 kuuntelua

OsQ- Överröstade nödrop 14.01.2007


Lyrics by: OsQ Produced by: Sodio, Thanks Man! Recorded and Mixed by: Busy a.k.a Felon, You`re the Man!

9.67   12 2327 kuuntelua

Quick session Feat. Arde 23.12.2006


Annettiin itsellemme 20min aikaa kirjoittaa riimei ja Busy a.k.a Felon teki tän biitin samaan aikaan kun me kirjoiteltiin. Nuori aloittelija Arde tuli myös sylkee meijän kaa. Täs on lopputulos...

9.11   10 1975 kuuntelua

OsQ - Identitetskris 28.06.2006


Lyrics by: OsQ
Produced by: Axinsane
Recorded by: Bas

9.24   16 3298 kuuntelua
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