Class war (Kallion ALA-aste)

Joukkoitsemurha | 20.07.2011 | Soundtrack

Tää punk-biisi voidaan laittaa samaan kategoriaan mm. Reagan Youth: No class ja The Exploited: Class War ja Motörhead: No Class rallien kanssa...

pitäähän joukkiksellakin olla yks luokkakulttuuria kritisoiva biisi... MASTURBATE HARD AND DIE!

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It's the fucking classwar
again… and again...

Have u been in the class 3B?
Naziteacher with his kids
Tiny whores and bullies
The prison that makes us all really sick

NO!!!… that's ain't my class
There's no need to be part of that fucking mass
YEAH!!! There's no change
I don't belong here. To this ugly whitetrash

It's so sad, that they only laught
when someone gets beaten up really bad
These kids should save the world
but I say, they'll make it worse
These kids should save the world
but I say, they'll make it worse

NO!!!… that's ain't my class
There's no need to be part of that fucking mass
YEAH!!! There's no change
I don't belong here. To this ugly whitetrash (up my ass)

It's the fucking classwar again.
the classwar on the lunchbreak.


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