
TSD 14.09.2003


One last song then I'm done
I think to myself soon I'll be done

It should not matter, break it up
You show me much more than I can take

You showed me
And I bought it
Then the more I got
The more I found
The more I found
The more I thought about it

One last song, a payback home
Then I've done all I cared for
I think to myself I want more
Call today, waste it all

Then the more I got
The more I found
The more I found
The more it all just went around

Just one last song
A prong that lasts
A one last song
I need one fast

8.2   2 786 kuuntelua

Daylight 14.09.2003


Daylight, I have lost my worries
At least I don't care
What comes after you have left me
And I don't see you there

The place we had to share between us
Forever will be mine
The best of times, the laughs, the cries
Forever, forever mine

I don't see you
I don't see you there

Once is close to forever
To have loved after the fear of not ever
Alone is so close to together
If only one time in life together

9   0 539 kuuntelua

Simon Says 14.09.2003


Come along
Take this song
Fill this womb
With dust and spit

Come and sing
Play within
An empty shell
Empty shell

You never fought for anything
I knew it all along

Run away now you little prick
You just lack soul
A frightened little boy who's finally
Lost his way home

This stuff is good
As someone said
Someone said

Let's you breathe
Helps you think
What Simon said
Simon said

10   1 594 kuuntelua
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