Blues Rock

Cinderella 07.08.2009


Idea for this song came while ago and today I finished it.

10   5 708 kuuntelua
Blues Rock

Waiting on a rainy day 10.07.2009


Idea for this song came in rainy day.

Sijoitus jazz-blues genren listalla 35 viikolla 30.(Oletusarvo, paina muokataksesi)

9.5   3 708 kuuntelua

My old friend 08.06.2009


This song tells about old friend. (Oletusarvo, paina muokataksesi)

9.33   3 523 kuuntelua

Riding on the highway (feel the road) 17.10.2008


Larry Peninsula and I decided to make a sensitive song, where we sing high tones.

Larry: Acoustic guitar, electric guitar, tamborine and vocals.
John: Acoustic guitar, electric guitar and vocals.


I'm a bus driver
and I do it my way
you can see me
on the highway

People come
people go
you can't see
me alone

Riding on
the highway
Seen the road
night and day

Hiding on
the byway
feel the road
night and day

Miss my home
and a lady friend
first cool beer
and free friday

From New York city
to Nashville Tennesee
hearing the life
in a broadway show

Riding on
the highway
seen the...

9.5   5 625 kuuntelua

Under Sunny Skies 12.08.2008


This song was written together with Larry John Peninsula. Larry: acoustic guitars, dobros and vocals. John: electric guitar and vocals. this song is a little masterpiece and more to follow.

Sun is going down
feeling satisfied
going the world around
with a New Jersey Greyhound

my world is upside down
while traveling in underground
I'm losing my religion

hanging in Mardi Gras
the band plays till the morning grey
dancing and talking trash
river flows, takes leaves away

got a hunger for a better life
thirsty for different times
peace for sleeeples nights
waking under sunny skies...

10   2 538 kuuntelua
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