Freezing in Your Car

Johannes Laitila | 21.12.2005 | Indie
8.00   610 plays


dry roads are easier to drive
warm days have passed by
three hours in a row
oh baby this is a low

because you're freezing in your car
i know you are

gasoline streams oh baby
a cigarette lighter honey
spending the nights together
spending the nights forever

freezing in your car
i know we are
oh yes we are

empty highways
empty feelings
come together
come forever


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Sheena Wicked 26.02.2006
THE CURE! Ja.. Let's go to bed :)
0   +1 +2
likella 25.12.2005
Pistää hymyilemään sillai urposti, se on aina hyvä asia, vaikkei näytä hyvältä:)
0   +1 +2

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