
Gigantic Tager 25.10.2013


Phew.. It's been awhile, over 7 years. Anyway, I tried to make dubstep with Reason 5.
While I fought with dubstep bass LFO's (what is pain with inexact potentiometers, I miss trackers precise hex values) I thought what this sound makes me think.
There was only one answer.
The Iron Tager and Iron Tager's Gigantic Tager!

-   0 204 kuuntelua

Tsukiyomi 20.09.2006


Ohisashiburi desu ne?
Angry and bleak, tempo 163.

9.2   5 1328 kuuntelua

Kimimaro 11.07.2005


Pretty fast (bpm 154) aggressive breakbeat-drums melodies as trance = something like The Prodigy or breakbeat/breaks?

In some parts of the song, the melody sounds a little similar to Antiloop - In my mind. This is totally coincidental. I heard the song after I made this.

Almost every songs brings into my mind some colors. This has bright green and purple. ;-) :-?

8.91   11 1966 kuuntelua
Big Beat

mathematics 13.07.2005


Simple pursuit music.
2 snappish drum breaks rumbling on 143bmp and... well, that's all i have to say about the melody.
Color is granular gray & white.

8.8   4 1974 kuuntelua

PianoPerskuta 07.12.2004


Piano, delay and reverb.

9.5   2 1421 kuuntelua
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