
Sink in Toilet 04.02.2007


Sink In Toilet:
In the very beginning, Sink In Toilet was called 'Stinking Toilet'. Lavatory pan flush water of the unused lavatory in the studio had evoporated to allow sewer gases to come up from the pan. That caused us to feel this 7/8 odd time signature rhythm. Song begins with straigth 4/4 drums and bass meanwhite guitar introduces the 7/8 theme riff. Next part adds some clean guitar sounds with some Pink Floyd touch. Suddenly, mood of the song changes to some neo-classic style. After that, there are 12 bars of solo for guitar, drums and bass. In the end, themes are repeated and...

10   0 858 kuuntelua
Progressive Rock

Jazz 'n' gas - Par five 24.02.2006


Instrumenttaali, jossa vaihtelevia fiiliksiä.

9.67   0 776 kuuntelua
Progressive Rock

Jazz 'n' Gas - I Lost my seven 24.02.2006


Hieman erillaisia tahtilajeja sisältävä riffi biisi. Keikkaversio on vähän nopeampi.

9.25   0 623 kuuntelua
Progressive Rock

Jazz 'n' Gas - Ball and chain 24.02.2006


Yhtyeen ensimmäinen sävellys 90 - luvun alkupuolelta.

9.67   0 428 kuuntelua
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