Song Cover Collection:
Feel free to use these images here under to spice up your song covers from that's default cover. I have total of 30 song cover images made, and I might make more if I have time. The main idea of this stuff is to get rid of those dull default song cover images. Maybe if there could be a small precollection of song covers, where from you could choose a suitable image for your song cover (wink, wink, a little proposition, mikseri's staff people). So, all of these images are made by me, and here we come to that famous question of permission of use and crediting: I used good ammount of time to make these (14 hours), but I don't require any bigger credit for it, you don't have to mention me anywhere on your site etc., unless you want to. Only just, if someone asks or you tell to someone about these images. Warm Thanks in upfront :D, and hope ya can find these cover images useful.

Long story short: Feel free to use and credit me by telling about this page. To download, click on the right mouse button and choose "Save Image As...".

cdthumb01ig5.jpg cdthumb02fe0.jpg cdthumb03tv1.jpg cdthumb04ag0.jpg cdthumb05ei8.jpg cdthumb06bm9.jpg cdthumb07nt1.jpg cdthumb08ox2.jpg cdthumb09ay0.jpg thumb16iq9.jpg thumb17xf4.jpg

Unless start to support .png images on covers, these images above remains to be suitable only with black background color.

mkrsthumb01yq1.jpg mkrsthumb02eu1.jpg mkrsthumb03kk7.jpg mkrsthumb04lp1.jpg mkrsthumb05ox3.jpg

Same here, these ones above are most suitable for backgrounds with same color.

thumb01ts6.jpg thumb02re8.jpg thumb03tp5.jpg thumb04ll2.jpg thumb05kf0.jpg thumb06ly9.jpg thumb07cs6.jpg thumb08vs7.jpg thumb09ut7.jpg thumb10zp7.jpg thumb11eo8.jpg thumb12nh9.jpg thumb13pc2.jpg thumb14dc7.jpg thumb15tf3.jpg thumb18ws1.jpg

These works with any background color. Credits from mic and headphone pictures goes to, free image stock. And if you're interested, check out my songs under, theyre nothing amazing nor that good, but more merely a result of eternal learning progress. Jesh! Tekstiosuus olikki sit siin, toivottavasti nautit antimista ja alla olevista kokeilu-räpsyistä :), meitin oikeeta kokeilumusaa löytyy

Blacknote testing 15.05.2009


Kuhan kokkeilen soittaa pelkillä mustilla koskettimilla. Värkkäsin tämmösen pienen harjotusviisun.

-   0 160 kuuntelua
Chill Out

Feeling Yours 13.11.2008


Kuhan kokkeiluja.

Diskantin äänen suosijat jäätte ihan pienestä paitti.

9   0 196 kuuntelua

Asian Samplitude 13.11.2008


Samplailua, kursivoimista, aasialalalalaista. Luulis joo.

-   0 173 kuuntelua
Dark Ambient

Endless Tunnel 12.09.2008


Tunneli, tunneli
Semmosta jytinämpää, pienellä tillutuksella :)

En tiiä voiks Dark Ambienttiin pistää, korjatkaa jos väärin pistin

-   0 152 kuuntelua

Dreaming Sailor 12.09.2008


Vähän unenomainen biisi

Ottaa nyt selvää nuista genreistä :), korjatkaa jos väärään sysäsin

-   0 160 kuuntelua
Chill Out

Lovely Morning 12.09.2008


Tsillii yrittäny väsäillä

-   0 157 kuuntelua
Dark Ambient

Space is Sick 13.11.2008


Erittäin vanha kokeilu, mutt ajattelin laittaa kuuluville, enjoy

-   0 141 kuuntelua
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