Hard Rock

HILLS HAVE EYES 09.03.2005


From the latest 2003-2004 sessions. This heavy-southern bit is basically a peek into your own head, saying, NEVER fool yourself!

9.6   5 1672 kuuntelua
Hard Rock

I DON´T LIKE 14.03.2005


From same 2003 sessions. Don´t let the mellow intro fool you, this bastard with attitude moves like a camel on nitroclyserine! Lyrically it´s about evil dreams that you wish you wake up from...

9.5   0 644 kuuntelua
Hard Rock

FREE SPIRIT 14.03.2005


This tune basically tells it´s own story. A red man-inspired story about freedom. Let your soul fly FREE!!!!

9.5   1 640 kuuntelua
Hard Rock



Ever had a so called friend who makes you believe he/she can fix ALL your problems, but suddenly disappears when it´s time to deliver?? It´s all talk and nothing more.... This song is about those kind of lowlives.

9.4   2 686 kuuntelua
Light Rock

POOR MAN´S SON 14.03.2005


There´s nothing wrong to turn the volume a bit down once in a while, but JUST for a while, heh! This one is about those daddy´s little darlings who have NEVER done anything themselves in their lives.... Only thing that matters: "Is my hair okay?"

9.6   1 662 kuuntelua
Hard Rock

TOMORROW 14.03.2005


Here´s a dirty little shuffle for you! A guaranteed live song and a salute to the fine people who come and see us in our live shows! Tomorrow i´ll be gone, but I will remember you...

10   2 716 kuuntelua
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