
The cheap thrill of our impending doom 27.06.2010


Oh believe me, you`re just wasting time
a slave of consumption, working from nine to five

we built a world where money controls everything
nobody gives a shit, and soon we lay dead in the ruins

No rights, no justice, no master, no law..
no future, just drugs to soften the fall..

we never had the answer, we were always misled
and in the eyes of history we never existed

we built a world where money controls everything
nobody gives a shit, and soon we lay dead in the ruins

No rights, no justice, no master, no law..
no future, just drugs to soften the fall..

9   2 430 kuuntelua
Thrash Metal

For Reasons Underfined 21.07.2010


Far from home
a soldier in war
fighting for his god, land, glory and law
profit the rich
suffer the poor
the corporate whore

patriotic robots
marching to a frantic beat
conscience is silenced with singalongs
white sheets cover everything that bleeds

truth was the first casualty
freedom’s eyes stare into vacuity
Humanity is crying, curled up on the floor
in the name of peace they waged this war

7.77   9 409 kuuntelua
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