
Excursio Excommunicatus 17.09.2009


I:O/PMn loppuunhiotuimpia biisejä. Kai tää on niiku tarkoitettu todella surullisille reivaajille. Tjsp...

-   0 99 kuuntelua

Behind Her Eyes (A world of dreams) 18.08.2009


Siihen Tranceen voi laittaa etuliitteen "Dark". Lyriikat menee näin:

"Behind her eyes
Behind her eyes
Behind her eyes
Behind her eyes

Behind her eyes a thousand lullabies
a thousand serpents with snapping spines
Behind her eyes a thousand lullabies
a thousand serpents with snapping spines
Behind her eyes a choir of cries
a maze of mirrors and twisted smiles
Behind her eyes a choir of cries
a maze of mirrors and twisted smiles

Beyond her eyes another girl
she keeps away from all the world
up in the attic, too mad to meet
personal secrets too discreet

Behind her eyes a world of dreams...

-   0 140 kuuntelua
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