Stoner Metal

Silence 17.06.2009


From the demo "Silence" - 2009 (Ticu Korhonen - Vocals, Pete Gaidamak - Guitar, Tembo - Guitar, Kaitsu Kauranen - Bass, Jake Pistokoski - Drums)

9   1 2234 plays
Stoner Metal

World Divided 17.06.2009


From the demo "REbirth" - 2009 (Ticu Korhonen - Vocals, Pete Gaidamak - Guitar, Tembo - Guitar, Kaitsu Kauranen - Bass, Jake Pistokoski - Drums)

10   2 1733 plays
Stoner Metal

We Are The New Race 17.06.2009


From the demo "Rebirth" - 2009 (Ticu Korhonen - Vocals, Pete Gaidamak - Guitar, Tembo - Guitar, Kaitsu Kauranen - Bass, Jake Pistokoski - Drums)

8.14   4 4290 plays | Song of the week (26/09)
Stoner Metal

Desert 07.07.2008


The opening song of the ep "New Era". Plain and simple, heavy and pressing.

9   1 1613 plays
Stoner Metal

Hell Yeah 07.07.2008


The title song of a same-named demo. And the beer keeps flowing...

-   0 1406 plays
Stoner Metal

Bitter World 07.07.2008


Easy and simple rock song with a tripping c-part.

-   0 1165 plays
Stoner Metal

Dick In Your Mouth Son 07.07.2008


Rihgt through your forehead!!

10   1 1972 plays
Stoner Metal

Wasted 22.07.2008


Final song of the same demo.

-   1 1242 plays
Stoner Metal

Price of the Day 22.07.2008


The last song of the s/t- demo. Recorded 11/2004.

-   0 1171 plays
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