Grapes Of Wrath

Headache | 01.03.2006 | Punk

Helmikuu 2006 raivoa MD-studioilta

9.14   1410 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

1. Someone has slept in my bed again
and I blame the whole fucking government.
Playing chess with United States,
covering traces by governor.
This union is breaking in two,
the other goes to war, the other hides the truth.
Inside us all is hell getting loose
Hey Europe is this the way we chosed?

Chorus: I don`t know now whose the one to blame,
Coming down on I hate everything.
I don`t know now whose the one to blame,
break my face but I hate everything.

2. They`re using drugs to control the youth,
Little jerk come, take a pill or two.
Somewhere around the world in the dark
is a dump they put those who turn narcs.
The young take baits just like fools,
and lay all day hoping just to fuck.
Someone said this is the age of grotesk,
and that fucker right, I gotta confess.

Repeat chorus

(Here`s what they want us to do:)

Hey! Down, stay motherfucker!
Hey! Blame, hate motherfucker!
Hey! Suck, taste motherfucker!
Hey! beg, die motherfucker!

Repeat chorus

I hate everything


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OnniManni_ 18.12.2006
tässä ei ollut iha yhtä tiukka meno ku tossa doomsdayssä mutta hyvä biisi tämä silti. intro oli todella hyvä.
laulu oli alussa vähän ehkä hapuilevaa tai sillee. soolo oli kans hyvä.
0   +1 +2
Mnemicy 26.03.2006
Hyvää punkia. Pääsee ainakin mun soittolistalle.
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raaka-Ana 11.03.2006
Huhuu....Rivakkaa survontaa vanhan liiton malliin.Panee hienosti puntin vipattamaan vanhalle kävyllekkin:)Loisto kertsi!!!Asiaa!!
0   +1 +2

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