
Slaves To Your Faith 25.05.2020


You Have A Free Mind That Someone Else Controls
You Are Herd Waiting For The Slaughter
Pray Your Worthless Souls, Before Your Christ You Bow
You Are Slaves To your Blind Faith

Open Up The Book Of Lies, See How Disbeliever Dies
Words From Someone Elses Thoughts Made To Control Your Mind
Stone Those Who Don't Believe, Decapitate Your Family
Claim The Lands From Those Infidels

You Have A Free Mind That Someone Else Controls
You Are Herd Waiting For The Slaughter
Pray Your Worthless Souls, Before Your Christ You Bow
You Are Slaves To your Blind Faith

Bring The Bombs Down And Enter To...

7.38   16 103 kuuntelua

Psychositic 15.04.2020


Open up my mind from the inside
See the growing sickness within me
Violence is my only option to escape from your worthless fucking words

I will slice you with your own spine
Smash you to death with your blind eyes
Beat you till i feel the rotting bones
Make you bleed like a worthless fucking whore

Im a Psycho
No no fear
Im a maniac
With nothing to lose
So bring me everyone to feed urge to saly
I will not rest until the voices are silenced

Mental health is at boiling point, only a fragtion left from my normal mind
You can hide, you can run
Praying for you god when i come

Im a...

-   0 103 kuuntelua

Antichrist 14.04.2020



Say your worthless prays, fill your mind with lies
Obey the words that you was taught to follow

Cut the head off, cut the head off
Send them to the burning meadow
Cut the head off, cut the head off
Show them the truth of your god

Your life is worthless, your life is meaningless
You are just sheep, just another dirty rat
You got nothing left than empty words
I am the antichrist that will slay you all

Cut the head off, cut the head off
Send them to the burning meadow
Cut the head off, cut the head off
Show them the truth of your god

Cut the head off, cut the head off

-   0 114 kuuntelua
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