Unohtuiko salasana tai käyttäjätunnus?
Voi perkule, te ootte nii paljo mua parempii,että myö meen purkaan vihhaani Merviin!
I'll just stick my drum sticks in my ass,I thought I had the best blastbeat,but I was mistaken!
OHHH,inte,nej nej!Du spelar mycket bättre som jag!Inteee!
Oh fuck,their guitarist is better than me!!!I'll just shoot myself and burn my mesa\boogies!
This is the best band I have ever heard!!!
dount kille em eat em
angrymaggots.googlepages .com
toihan oli melkein hyvä juttu
Angry faggots!
http://angrymaggots.goog lepages.com/home
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