Radar - Hierarchy

Groundbased | 17.05.2007 | Drone

Once mistaken, lifetime load left on the shoulders.
Abide by those false façades; veils for the dreadful.
Giving away the getaway. The driver has been shot.
Try it out: "it ends right here".
You're awaken. One more time daylight approaches.
You're aching. The driving force will leave you shaking.
Giving away the getaway.
The driver has been shot.
The tires have been shot.

9.00   654 plays


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Slack_Haddock 20.05.2007
Onpa muhkeat soundit, erinomaista! Nuo puhtaat laulut ok, mutta tuo karjunta on hienoa, miksi on miksattu niin alas? Hyvää meininkiä, ehdottomasti.
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lateralis 18.05.2007
tää o se toine helmi! en oo viel kerenny muita kuuntelee kunnolla!
kovaa settii.
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