Chainsaw Blast

Gloomy Grim | 02.02.2003 | Black Metal

Levyltä "Written In Blood" 2001

9.17   8146 plays



he died on that cross
yes he paid for his crime
his name will be lost
in the annals of time
You know that the nation
has got to go on
The nation shall live when
these followers are gone

Chainsaw Blast
We are Ripping your soul apart
Chainsaw Blast
We are taking you to the ground

I've waded through the answers
I've found the one that's true
Awakened! By the cracking of my spine
I'm screaming my throat raw,
no relief do I find before I am dead

I never wanted to live forever,
What you are going to do with me?
rejoice in heaven or be born again
I don't need your paradise

I feel the strength of my soul
My fate is under my control

Chainsaw Blast
We are Ripping your soul apart
Chainsaw Blast
We are taking you to the ground

I've waded through the answers
I've found the one that's true
Awakened! By the cracking of my spine
I'm screaming my throat raw,
no relief do I find before I am dead

They stand in front of you,
weapons in their hands
Those armies of gods lambs

Helmets cover their heads,
too blind to see their fate

Send them to
meet their father,
son and holy ghost

Let the Chainsaw sing and cut them half
Let the Chainsaw sing and cut them half!

he died on that cross
yes he paid for his sins
his name will be lost
in the annals of time
You know that the nation
has got to go on
The nation shall live when
these followers are gone


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Hatesociety 11.01.2008
Moottorisaha on kyllä yksi nerokkaimmista keksinnöistä ikinä!
0   +1 +2
pig-terror 01.07.2006
loistava yhtye
0   +1 +2
Neo.1 18.05.2006
Yks tylyimmistä aluista ikinä. Todella ilkeää. Biisikin rokkaa ihan kybällä, tätä paremmaksi on paha panna. Todella harmi kun en aikaisemmin tätä bändiä ole bongannut
0   +1 +2
Zythifer 09.04.2006
Kyl oli ihan saatanan hyvä biisi. Toimii!!!
0   +1 +2
Tuo alun äännähtely oli jo askel oikeeseen suuntaan. Mitä sairaampaa sen parempi. Tässä alkaa tempokin olla jo sitä mitä pitäiskin. Ja tuo moottorisaha! Meinaa nimittäi toimii aika perskeleen hyvi.
0   +1 +2
Sortokausi 06.05.2005
Mikserin paras biisi ylivoimaisesti! \,,/
0   +1 +2
Izarut 26.01.2005
Gloomy Grim rocks!
0   +1 +2
impious 26.12.2004
Ehdottomasti paras Gloomy Grim-kappale. Muita hyviä ei sitten taida ollakkaan...
0   +1 +2
Kempura 10.11.2004
Moottorisaha tossa alussa oli huippu, mutta itse biisi oli jotenkin tylsähkö.
0   +1 +2
{lemminkäinen} 31.10.2004
Vittu... että on loistava kappale... Vittu....
0   +1 +2

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