Melodic Death

The Four Seasons 21.12.2008


Music & Performance: Asgardão
Vocals & Lyrics: Cykranosh

We lie beneath the permafrost of North
Slain by the dreams of a sun coming forth

Beholding the cruel nightfall when the sun fell
Beyond the high ice of the vast snowswept sea

Not to be seen again in the long, long night
The winter is come, to stay for my long dream
Never to seen again in the long, long night
The winter is here to stay for my long dream

Springtime, with her longlasting cold
The winter is become so old, but gripping
To that last bitter cold still sunless last hold
Nothing to betray that the sun will be rising...

9.25   1 621 kuuntelua
Melodic Death

Still Not North Enough 31.08.2007


Music & Performance: Asgardão
Vocals & Lyrics: Cykranosh

I take to wing across the North Sea,
departing from the sunlight for eons
I fly far beyond the Arctic shores
over the grey storming high waters

The spirits of the explorers are with me
Seeking a passage to the sunless climes
North by northeast, a vastness to see
of snow and ice and the coldest of skies

Still not north enough for me
Still not north enough for my heart

Dreaming, forever dreaming of another world
Beyond the northern seas, beyond the wind and ice
The evergoing ice, upon which my heart soars
A beard of frost and a...

9.25   9 1280 kuuntelua
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