The Love of a Necromancer

Fires Of Hell | 19.07.2005 | Black Metal
5.86   1815 plays



When you first met him
You were intrigued by his darkness
The aura of death surrounding him
Was like a flame to a moth
You used all your womanly charms
To seduce him
Unfortunately for you
He also fell in love with you

The love of a necromancer
Is a dangerous thing
The love of a necromancer
He will never let you rest in peace

When you finally found out who he really was
It was too late
You could not escape him anymore
It was too late
Yet you still tried to leave his hell
It was too late
For he felt no remorse
When he took your life

The love of a necromancer
Is a dangerous thing
The love of a necromancer
He will never let you rest in peace

He carries your corpse into his chambers
He lays your body on the black altar
He lights the black candles and opens his unholy books
He calls for the dark gods to him back your soul

Now you are a walking corpse
And he still loves you
Your flesh is starting to rot
Yet he still fucks you

The love of a necromancer
Is a dangerous thing
The love of a necromancer
He will never let you rest in peace

The love of a necromancer
Is a dangerous thing
The love of a necromancer
He will never let you rest in peace

Let you rest in peace


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Azag 20.06.2008
Bändin nimi ei ole kummoinen.

Biisi sinällänsä oli aika kauhea;

plussia ja miinuksia:
+Vokaalit oli ihan ok
+Silloin tällöin tupsahti pari ihan hyvää riffiä

-karseat konerummut (varsinkin tuo loppu kuulosti aivan kamalalta)
-kokonaisuudessaan jonkun asteinen köpöisyys koko kokonaisuudessa
-kauhee lead
0   +1 +2
HeartlessLeper 09.08.2007
No jopas oli rykäsy, Saatana!
Asenneläkkiä, läkeillä soundeilla.
0   +1 +2
GD 03.12.2005
Jos "black metallissa" on painotus osalla metal, se ei ole BLACK metallia. Fukk Off!
0   +1 +2
TheTrueHaava 29.10.2005
On tämä kyllä todella huonosti toteutettua ja suhteellisen vammaisilla lyriikoilla. Eikä kovin tosissaan tehdyltä kuulosta.
0   +1 +2
Lord Corruptor 14.11.2007
ois varmaan kannattanu jättää tämäkin nauhoittamatta, biisi on paska, ja kamalat efektivokaalit ja konerummut eivät ainakaan paranna asiaa
0   +1 +2

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