Seuraajien keski-ik: 37.19 vuotta
Poikia: 96%
-hated-, -sammons-, >>--JoNi--->, Alex_, Antiservant, Anxiety Hangover, Awake, Black Velvet, Boltok The Rapist, Cannibal82, cpbuddha, Damage1994, DemiGod_, dom, fheratus, galaxy rider, gregla, Henchman, Herra Saatana, highhypnotic, Holic, hollowi, Imperfectus, JUKKISSTHELIZARD, Kainie, Kuli, Känäri, laura---, LemmyK, liuhu, MakeLove, mazzze, Nauticus, Needless, Nicolaus IV, Omikron, Pablo Blacktooth, PassingThroughMatter, pyhäpastori, Rayburn, sadomatti, Slayer fan, Spider, Stashan, StreamOfSorrow, Terrorizer, The Psycho Season, TheTrueMayheM, TOOL, Voldtekt-, white owl