Excrament was founded in early December 2008 when Henkka had managed to escape from military in middle of his 9 months service time. Already after 3 rehearsals we were almost unitedly decided to take part in Turku Bandstand competition. ...Though Jukka hadn't practically never played bass and sung at the same time.
Excrament's Turku Bandstand live performance will be heard and seen also online at http://www.poparena.net/turku/ when time comes... Or only heard at Radio Vimma
At the moment we have (almost) 5 complete songs of our own. We are constantly creating new material and training our performance as a band.
Kunnollinen demo
tehdään kunhan saadaan
aikaiseksi... Tällä
hetkellä valmistaudumme
bandstandeihin... Ekan
keikan videoista saanee
paremman kuvan meidän
meiningistä. ks.
xcrament <br> -> videot
Recorded on rehearsals 220109 with two shure58's.
music: Juhani
lyrics: Jukka
Copyright notice: All material in Mikseri.net is protected by copyrights and international treaties. Your rights to reuse and/or duplicate this material are limited to PRIVATE USE ONLY. Any kind of REPRODUCTION and DISTRIBUTION of this material, as well as making it available for the public, is PROHIBITED without written consent from the author(s).
Kunnollinen demo tehdään kunhan saadaan aikaiseksi... Tällä hetkellä valmistaudumme bandstandeihin... Ekan keikan videoista saanee paremman kuvan meidän meiningistä. ks. http://www.myspace.com/e xcrament <br> -> videot