Hard Rock

Classic Sugarbabe (live) 26.09.2002


A sugary uptempo rocker which tells a story of a boy who was raised up as a girl because his parents wanted to have a girl instead of a boy. (although the lyrics weren't completely ready when this version was recorded, since the song was only a couple of weeks old)

8.56   11 1468 kuuntelua
Hard Rock

Tears of Silence (live) 26.09.2002


A beautiful heavyballad which has been following Angela & Sebastian for 4 years. Written during our "heavymetal period" and dealing with a pretty heavy subject of losing your loved ones. In this case a woman whose husband is murdered.

9   3 610 kuuntelua
Hard Rock

Like It (live) 26.09.2002


A classic rock song. Something like what Aerosmith or Rolling Stones might play. Lyrics wonder the mystical love/hate relationship between men and women.

9   0 576 kuuntelua
Hard Rock

Walking Satellite (live) 26.09.2002


A fast pop-metal song which tells a interesting story of an encounter with a walking satellite. The satellite tells the listener that the space is soon going to invade the earth.

9   0 479 kuuntelua
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