
ErilaZ | 19.12.2006 | EBM

Evolve - tämä jumalallisen inspiraation käsin kosketeltava ilmentymä sai alkunsa syyssateiden piiskatessa ikkunoihin tuntina jona mustasta tuli valkoista, ruskan värit sokaisivat katsojansa ja pyörteiset myrskyt kohosivat maasta taivaaseen. Matalapaineen riivaamana ja Mysteerin hetkellisesti selvittäneenä ikuistin tuon hetken tähän ristiriitasointujen sulosinfoniaan.

Club Schatten -forumin Syksyn Synkin Sävel III -kisaan osallistunut hengentuotos.

0.00   309 plays


Do you know how to fight,
when entropy is spread by creatures of night?
Do you know how to write
about the depths touching the sky?
Do you know when to sacrifice,
yourself for this shining might?

Alone is he,
who stands at the summit of world
Whispering words
that below aren't being heard

But only the elite will prevail
when hate partakes in the game
And if he never gave in,
He'd won posthumous fame

I now stand here,
where your hopes clash with your fears,
Looking down from the moon.
I never was one of you

Alone is he,
who stands at the summit of world
Whispering words
that below aren't being heard

But only the elite will prevail
when the enemy invade the day
And if he never gave in,
He'd won posthumous fame


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