
For the new stuff you should go to the "End" site on my profile.
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Sick Of This Mess vers. 0.1 18.05.2005


Uutta kokeilua.. kehkeytyykö kenties uus projekti...

9.5   4 1468 plays

Anthing & Erik - Out Of Range 14.11.2005


Anthingin kans puuhailtua.. raakile

9   1 1049 plays

Utopia 2 14.11.2005


Intro "End"in levylle?

-   0 891 plays
Light Rock

New and Green (To Let You Know) 23.06.2003


This is the first recording of Erik & The Roses From Outerspace. It´s a very spacy pop rock ballad with basic rock instruments. From the Broken Bird EP
-Recommended by Erik

9.09   8 3537 plays

New Hide 27.01.2005


A slow song dedicated to the romantic visions, those ageless programmings in our minds.

9   4 1719 plays
Space Rock

All 22.05.2004


Another song from the forthcoming "DesignMachine?" EP. It´s kinda hard and dark and it has some disco influences.

9   2 1986 plays

The Man Himself 22.05.2004


It has some kinda catchy melodies in it!

9   1 2215 plays

Nice To Be Far 22.05.2004


This is maybe the brightest and the lightest song from Erik & The Roses From Outerspace. This song was originally recorded with a casette deck in 2002 called "Sci-Fi Saxophone". From the Broken Bird EP

9   2 1787 plays
Progressive Rock

With Open Eyes (When You Drive) 13.01.2004


This song has a very distant athmosphere with Organs, Strings, FarAway guitar effects.
-Recommended night time music

9   3 1554 plays
Progressive Rock

Forever City 10.02.2004


A distant, dark song. Progressive and maybe a bit industrial. From the Broken Bird EP

9.5   0 1219 plays

Mullholland Dr. 10.02.2004


Made after watching some Lynch movies. Re-sampled sounds from guess-which-song.

8.67   3 1565 plays
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