Burst of Rage

Eradication | 08.11.2008 | Rock
9.00   1100 plays


Lately I've been feeling these strange
Bursts of rage I can not explain
Don't you put my mind on a strain
I am bound to feel a great shame
Knowing I am going insane
All those fuckers I can't stand

I am up for some real action
I am up for satisfaction
Don't you try to ruin my day
Don't you know that I hate fraction
Baby, hear my screams of passion
I'll take what you've got to give

The sun is shining
And I'm feeling fine
And I want to
Cut some heads of with an axe

I can change
I'm not insane
Give me all I need
Just leave me be
And oh, some weapons of mass destruction

Burst of Rage


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Slack_Haddock 12.11.2008
Pääriffi toimii kuin höyryveturi! Hienoa tykitystä. Sun is shining osio on ehkä turhan... Kontrasti on niin iso että menee melkein huumorin puolelle. Biisiä kannattaisi ehkä vielä kehittää, koska siinä on jortikkaa.
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