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To try and include everything ENERCHY have been up to during the past 3 years on one page may seem like an impossible task. If you want to know more, please go to the ENERCHY web site Trying best to give you the most essential parts here. It’s actually quite a lot of fun. When the ENERCHY started out in begin 2000 Korkiakangas and Ollila needed new drummer for their heavy rocking band previously called SWIN. They needed guy who could fill their trio with hard playing without missing the rhythm and tempo. That guy was Toni Nordman. It all began back in 1983 or 1984 when Korkiakangas first heard KISS song Lick It Up in school’s disc reviews. KISS led him to Judas Priest and AC/DC and before long “the early stage” ENERCHY was formed! Musically ENERCHY are like Finland’s Kiss, Motorhead, Judas Priest and AC/DC all rolled into one! They represented and advocated punk heavy rock nearly a decade before the world was propelling bands like Hellacopters, The Vines, Backyard Babies and other new rock heavy bands into the mainstream. “the early stage” ENERCHY were doing their thing before those new previously mentioned bands could talk! Korkiakangas changed his little group’s members faster than you change your socks between late eighties and early ninteties. Everytime he also changed the band’s name when someone was out of the band. He built the band always from tip to toe. Their (band’s name MEADOW in that second) first studio release – “Meadow” - came out in 1995 and immediately after two months later in the same year came second release under the name HEATH with different drummer! Both releases includes the song “My Life” which has stayed in band’s repertoire till this very day. In 1997 the group (under the name Tinnitus) released five track mini cd “Tinnitus”. Later in the same year Korkiakangas split the group and formed SWIN. That’s when Ollila came in the picture and the following year they released “The Great Rock’n’Roll SWIN”. By now the popularity was increasing in Turku and finnish label Hateball records took the song “Tomorrow Never Dies” to their compilation cd distributing worldwide. Korkiakangas also played at that time in other heavy band called PYURIA. Following three years under the flag of SWIN the band intensively made gigs around South Finland. In 1999 at end of the summer drummer Kangasaho (formed later TUOMIOPÄIVÄ where also Korkiakangas joined) had to leave the group. In the very beginning of 2000 Nordman joined forces and ENERCHY was born! Maybe the band’s name describes best band’s music : Enerchy. Very electric, hard, lively and raw. The band don’t give up easily but move right along where is the fence is high !!! In april 2000 they recorded new cd “Triune”. In the summer they made a music video from the song “No Guarantee” which was showed countless times in national cable-TV channel. The band was getting more and more popular and the boys trained hard and patiently. In 2001 boys went to record their latest release “Johanna” which you are probably now holding in your hands. Korkiakangas stands behind the songs again (he comes with 100 % songs in the band). You can hear from this record how beautiful melodies ands catchy riffs ENERCHY can create. Enerchy pledges allegiance to heavy rock!
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