I Don't Believe in Violence
Öste suoltaa suoraa tekstiä suomalaisen asevelvollisuusjärjestelmän varjopuolista tai siviilipalvelusjärjestelmän hienoudesta. Kuulemma RHCP.
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Öste - Rap, rummut, teksti
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MIKSERI MAINOS 277649 to 173172 (1,90€)
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Hey, I'm out here all alone
watching my back, ready to go prone
'cause I haven't done anything wrong
but the people still look at me like they want me gone
And it's crazy that I have to fear
for my decision not to crab the spear
See I don't believe in the military thing
killing is simple but don't solve anything...
...Respect is what I get from my job
nobody likes me and my name's not Bob
Hey I know I'm a bit of a freak
but it's not nice when everybody thinks you're creep
Just 'cause I don't believe in violence
Don't mean I'm gonna live in silence