Dead Hours

Electric Monk | 25.10.2005 | Rock

Haurasta tunnelmointia "...And Pass It Around!" -omakustanteelta. Hyviä öitä vaan - jakakaa sitä lämpöä!

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moon is painting shadows
on the bedroom wall
i'm still waiting for the sandman's call

feeling on my chest
your heavy breathing
your pulse is beating twice as fast as mine

i see drops of sweat
on your cold, pale skin
you shiver like you've seen the ultimate sin

let me join your dream
let me join your dream
let me join your dream and set you free
let me drive those lizards away for this night

in these dead hours
time is standing still
a minute feels like eternity

i put my arms around you
let my love surround you
there's still many dreams before the dawn

let me join your dream
let me join your dream
let me join your dream and set you free
let me drive those lizards away for this night

(c) ilkka elo 3.3. & 22.4.'05.


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pietu_ 13.04.2007
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Joemcleaf 26.07.2006
Tässä Biisis On Jotain Mikä Saa Muistot Rullaamaan :..10P
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Kfied 27.10.2005
Kyllä näissä on se oma kumma tenhonsa aina, joka laittaa kuuntelemaan tehona. Voin vain kuvitella, millaista teidän keikoilla on. Täytyy koittaa bongata sopivan läheinen lokaatio.
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