Criminal City

Eero Ritter | 14.03.2018 | Pop

Very experimental and atmospheric song. Story is about underworld of the city and gambling, which creates movie like feeling. Verses have darker, hypnotic atmosphere while chorus and solos sound quite joyful. Composition has many parts and also some jamming (in the end) is included. I enjoyed a lot to do this song because this has very unique own world.

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Criminal City (säv. & san: Jani A. Oravisjärvi)

City hides it all the ways
Every single moment and the days
Under surface there is the world with other rules
There is always price to pay

Night in Tokyo can be
The travel to your dreams
Under surface there is the world with new rules of game
Someone always have to pay

Police can see but ignores
Can’t put danger who they love
It’s the part of game in this twisted hierarchy
Oh throught the nights
Hide from the eyes
Underworld is gathering around the town

* Price to pay
If not you, someone loses anyway
Doubtful game
Only tought one dare to play

- soolo –

Pretty women everywhere
Tension of the night is in the air
In the heart of city
all night, big wheel spins
wheel turns quietly

In the nightclub and the streets
Secret talks and deals
But if you lose there is the price you need to pay
Someone loses anyway

* Price to pay
If not you, someone loses anyway
Doubtful game
Only tought one dare to play

- soolo –

* Price to pay
If not you, someone loses anyway
Doubtful game
Only tought one dare to play


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Windywalk 16.03.2018
Nää on kyllä makeita nää sun biisit :). Tässäkin olet saanut aikaiseksi hyvin vahvan fiiliksen ja tämän tarinan tapahtumat suorastaan näkee omassa mielikuvituksessa. A-osissa on varmaan sun puhtainta laulantaa tähän asti ja sun ääni kuulostaa tosi hyvälle. Kertsi ei ihan yllä samalle tasolle, mutta aina vaan paranee kokonaisuudessaan kuitenkin.
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Hieno vauhdikas tuollainen fast and furious tunnelma, tapahtuu kaikenlaista instrumentti- ja efektitasoilla ja niitä on kiva bongailla. Mukavia aasialaissävyjä erityisesti väliosassa ja vähän kertsissäkin. Hieno tuo 'price to play, if not you, someone loses anyway', kuvaa hienosti biisin tietynlaista pelimäistä kohtalokkuutta. Loppuu myös hienoon kitararymistelyyn feidautuen. Tajunnanvirtaa, mutta oivaa sellaista.
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