
Joulupukki -- Rock 13.12.2008


Rock-versio vanhasta klassikosta. P.J. Hannikaisen työtä kunnioittaen, mutta särökitaralla soitettuna.
Hyvää joulua!

8.33   5 1110 plays
A Cappella

Porsaita äidin a cappella 21.12.2012


Traditional Scandinavian children's Christmas song interpreted a cappella by your truly. All sounds from a single set of lips, only effect is reverb. Merry Christmas!

-   0 440 plays

Content Provider 02.08.2005


I made the initial version of this song when the economy was still booming. The last two verses were written after the IT buble crashed.

8.52   157 11553 plays

Tiedätkö minne meet -- unplugged 03.04.2005


Hitaasti kasvava tarina siitä, minne olet matkalla ja tiedätkö sen. Vähillä instrumenteilla toteutettu, unplugged versio laulusta, josta on olemassa myös vauhdikkaampi versio.

7.55   29 2613 plays
Light Rock

Ride Back Home 26.10.2012


I got myself a motorcycle a while ago and decided to make song. Then I thought I should see if I can make it into a video. This is what came out. Videos of the song: and

7.76   110 830 plays
Laulaja / lauluntekijä

Elämä ja kesä 06.07.2009


This song is a tribute to summer and, especially, sumer vacation. Song was written and recorded a few years back during and after a dance between a thunderstorm and sunshine.

7.94   28 949 plays

Silmät sumeina 17.08.2013


Typically melancholic (for Finns) rock ballad, with a positive twist at the end - whether you know the language or not.

8.38   77 824 plays
Light Rock

Shine In Her Eyes 17.01.2005


This song is a mixture of some electric (retro, I've been told) sounds and some acoustic tones in the middle. This song has remained within the top 40 range for the longest period of time, though it never rose as high as some of my other songs.

8.1   117 9893 plays

Silta Eteenpäin 18.01.2005


Elämä vie eteenpäin, sillat ja risteykset tulevat matkalla vastaan. Balladi valinnoista ja vaikeista ajoista. Taustalla on tosi tarina eräästä putiikista, jonka johto jäi sille vanhalle rannalle harhailemaan ;-)

8.4   177 14206 plays

Taivaalla kuu 23.07.2008


This is a demo version of a song about young love and rock festival. This is really hard to translate, you had to be there ;-)

7.96   75 2045 plays

Dragons Are Gone 31.12.2005


This was a new venture for me. I discovered the lyrics from an unidentified source and tried to create a soundfield to match the words.

8.14   115 6669 plays

Viimeinen kierros 01.12.2005


Tarinan mukaan: kerran studiooni eksyi entinen vankilakundi, joka halusi kertoa tarinansa. Annoin hänelle mikrofonin ja kuuntelin, kuinka alas ihminen voi mennä (vielä ilman efektejä ;-)
Soolon aikana biisi tot(tis)uus paljastuu...
Tämä ei siis ole otsa rypyssä tehty teos :-)

8   57 4332 plays

I Need IP 02.01.2007


I made an initial version of this song back in 1998 when I was a member of a mgmt team of a large company BU. We had to come up with some program for the Xmas party. I had just bought a guitar and this was the result.
Sometimes your work assignments are fun.
Credits for the telecaster riffs and solo belong to Kalle Jämsen, a real musician. He also improvised the bass line in a single take.

(Default value, click to edit)

8.68   75 4925 plays
Instrumental Rock

Alpine Groove 23.05.2009


This instrumental song was made for a background to a vacation video from the Alps. Still a draft, comments welcome (and needed) for mastering.

8.67   10 822 plays

Jungle Inside 11.09.2005


This was a percussion experiment done in one session. Had fun, learned a lot about recording drum sounds. I just wished my timing had been better.

8.67   13 2289 plays

ICT Electroflow 05.12.2013


I chaired a session and panel on future of ICT and while doing that I interviewed all speakers in advance. These "teasers" were posted on Youtube and - as I did not find "good enough" sound clips from stock, I made this piece. see the video at

-   0 343 plays
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