Dora Penny

It's over, people...


Mayday 14.07.2006


My entry to the mathematical music competition. This track is done entirely in GoldWave's Expression Evaluator.

Edit: To my great surprise, it won the competition (with total score of 17 points)! Here are the comments and points people gave to it. :) Thanks!

2 points, "Vaihtelua oli saatu kaavan pituusrajoitus huomioon otettuna kiitettävästi. Äänet melko raastavia, mutta omalla oudolla tavallaan tunnelmallisia. Erityisesti pidin siitä rikkinäisen pianon kuuloisesta ulinasta." --Salminen

5 points, "Aika klassinen alku, joka kuitenkin herää henkiin vasta kappaleen rakenteen todella...

-   0 302 plays

15000 Kilometres 24.04.2006


My entry to the second monotrack competition.

8   1 363 plays

Wind Power 14.03.2006


The sound in the background (in this track, that is) is supposed to be wind..

-   0 195 plays

Punch Card Machine 16.01.2006


My entry to a monotrack contest.

Also the first track in Dora Penny project.

Yeah, the name of the track sucks.

Edit: Well, it got four points in the competition! Not exactly much but better than nothing.
Here is bze's comment (posted in the voting topic): "ihastuttavan omaperäinen näkemys aiheesta." :)

8   1 360 plays
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