Tour On Space
Teemana turisti avaruusmatka. Eipä kai tästä muuta voi sanoa
Showcasessa on happy hours klo 00.00 - 15.00, jolloin sinne nostetut kappaleet saavat +25% lisää näkyvyysaikaa normaaliin verrattuna.
Mainosta kappaletta Mikserin etusivulla 3 tuntia. Lähetä viesti:
MIKSERI MAINOS 280638 numeroon 173172 (1,90€)
tai mainosta krediiteillä.
Kappaleen sanat
Hello, and welcome to space tour, I am the autopilot Jane, now please fasten your seatbelt were going to take off
We are now away from the athmosphere, feel free to explore the ship, theres a cafe on the second floor.
The moon can be seen on all windows on left, were going to circle around the moon 3 times, and then we go back to earth.
We have now returned to earth, thank you for using the moonstar, hope to see you again.