
Deathly Piano Symphony 12.10.2013


Death Metal medley concerto for piano and orchestra

-   0 92 plays

Deathly Piano Sonatas 31.05.2013


Death Metal medley concerto for solo piano

-   0 152 plays
Gothic Rock

Vampire Dance 13 27.06.2006


This life has poisoned my heart. Spelled to be left in the dark.
Kicked out, locked in, break loose.. It's all the same no matter with
I gained no trust in this world, that's spinning around my lost soul.
Where ever I found you. You take me down! Take my life now.

Will she be my darkest fantasy?
Dance to me and let all desire gather in here.

Untill we reach the graveyard, we must be torn apart.
Drink my venom and come alive inside.
I gained no trust in this world, that's spinning around this ghoul.
When ever I found you. You take me down! Underground..

Will she be my...

-   0 1076 plays
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