Will o' the Wisp (Light of Reason)

Dead Loss | 12.01.2015 | Heavy Metal

An "epic" track, a journey to insanity, influenced by the Tony Martin era of Black Sabbath and the vocal harmonies of Alice in Chains and Virgin Steele.

9.00   684 plays



In the dark I see things
That no one else sees
If I had anything to believe in
I'd pray for sanity on my knees

If I lose my focus
Even for a second
The voices will take me
To another place

Light of reason, Will o' the Wisp
Run from thoughts that madness whispers
The doors I'd barred creak ajar
Chilling touch as madness darkens the path


Shaking with fear
Terror grips my soul
And piece by piece I'm coming apart
Yet it makes me feel more whole

The light becomes more frightening
Than anything in the dark
And as eerie thoughts invade my mind
A smile creeps on my face

Oh, let it be so
Oh, let this not be real

Light of reason, Will o' the Wisp
Hear the thoughts that madness whispers
The doors I'd barred creak ajar
Calming touch as madness darkens the light

Light of reason
Just a Will o' the Wisp
Reason runs
The coward, it runs away

The light has died
The darkness whispers to me its name
Memories fled
Scattered in the windless void
Chasing the light
I did stray from the path
Now I couldn't find my way back
Even if I cared to try

Sense of self
A molten stream I cannot catch
Shards of thought
Swirling mists, they're not of words
Fear not the unknown
Nothing will ever be known again
Whisper to a scream
Don't know or care if it's my own


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Dead Loss 24.01.2015
Mukava kuulla! Laulajia on vain yksi :)
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Elessa 23.01.2015
Pidän erityisesti siitä kun laulajat laulavat eri sävellajissa. Muutenkin mukavan synkkä. Kuuntelen mielelläni lisää.
0   +1 +2
Dead Loss 20.01.2015
Kiitos! Ohjelmoiduissa rummuissa on vähän copy-pastea. Muissa soittimissa ei.
0   +1 +2
EMS-Project 20.01.2015
Juu, hyvät soundit omaan korvaan. Alun looppaus kuului (=kerro jos oon väärässä), mutta hienoo settiä.
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