Resigned No More

Crisis Degree | 09.07.2007 | Metalcore

Resigned No More Demon Avausraita! Tapa joku!

9.40   1757 plays


Pushed down, Crushed yet again. No sign of equality, Giving it all i've got. Relentlessy I march, Knocked down and pushed away.

I'm Resigned no more, To the last i've tried make my effort.
I'm Resigned no more, Supressed your grasp and broke away.

Human rights, forgotten and lost, Human rights forgotten and lost,discrimination spread all around, no sign of equality, giving it all i've got.

I'm Resigned no more, To the last i've tried make my effort.
I'm Resigned no more, Supressed your grasp and broke away.


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Käytöshäiriö 20.11.2007
jäbil tiukkaa settii !! :) onks ollu paljon keikkoja ?
0   +1 +2
ratikka_1 31.08.2007
hyvä meno hyvä biisi:)
0   +1 +2

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