This Pain Inside of me

Chemical God | 12.01.2007 | Death/Thrash


10.00   835 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

1.säe This nightmare must stop i can´t take this nomore
This poison is so strong that i can´t feel nothing at all
I´am losing my mind my dreams are falling apart
So beware and pray that i won´t kill my self!

I think now is the time to say you all goodbye!

2.säe Everything is over now becouse you just tell your lies
You are the reason why everything is so fucking hard
So stop this madness before it is to late
I this is too much to ask then you must prepare to war!!

You will fall down don´t even try to hide!

CH: Can you feel this pain inside of me?
Can you feel this raising hate?
NO! you can´t feel nothing
Becouse you´re just backstabbing motherfucker!

You just destroyed my life, my world, everything what i was
Now i realise how fucking blind i was!

3.säe I have allmoust find my way to get out this tunnel of pain
Every second is waist of time if i can´t figure out what way to go
Like blink of an eye and everything will be gone
There is no hope left anymore to try get out of here!

By: S.Niiranen


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deformed 03.01.2008
kiitän =)
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P. Virta 29.05.2007
Todella loistava biisi! Tosin toisen kitaran suvantokohdissa kuuluva häiriöääni vähän häiritsee. Mutta senhän saa korjattua sitten miksauksella. :) Tähänkin kunnon bassonjytke sekä rummut tuplabasarilla niin täydellisyys tavoitetaan. :) Mahtavaa matskua.
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