Unreleased track, available only on a CD-R with the rest of the Uleåborg Hardcore Attack! tracks.
Joskus illan hiljaisina hetkinä sitä miettii olisiko asiat voinut tehdä toisin... [Sometimes in the still of the night one wonders if some things could've been done differently.]
Tehdas siirrettiin kehitysmaahan, pitäisköhän muuttaa perässä? Muutamien ahneus, kaikkien kirous. [The factory moved to a 3rd world country, perhaps one should do the same? The greed of the few poisons us all.]
Jos olet vaatimaton etkä halua parrasvaloihin, tai muuten olla "menestyvä", olet huono ihminen. A modest and self-sufficient person is nothing in this modern madness where being famous and successful is everything.
In the name of progress they harm everyone else. In the name of progress they serve their own purposes. everyone loves multinational corporations, right?
The modern life of short work relations, low pay, humiliation and mental and financial depression.
A song about toiling each for low pay. Then you get to consume the shit they push us. Any profitable company is more important than any human being.
A song about how hard it is sometimes to carry on with all this shit we have to take.
Song about modern media. If it's in the newspapers, it must be true?
Song about jesus-pushers. Don't come knocking on my door just to tell your stupid-ass fairytales.
You need not think in this new world, it's done for you already. Just shut up and obey.
Song about devoting one's life to money and material things. A trap to be avoided.
I am the most important person and I know everything! Give me everything right now!