Once again a handful of songs were recorded in various times and spaces. Four of them, not three, evolved enough to adapt to life in the digital world. No official release is planned this time either. Enjoy! (2009)
Taken from the band's latest recording session and is the only song to be released. No official release is planned. Enjoy! (2005)
Third and final track of New Horizon EP (Oak Knoll Productions 2004)
First track of The Encounter of Light and Dark (CD-r-demo 2001/2002)
Second track of The Encounter of Light and Dark (CD-r-demo 2001/2002)
Third and final track of The Encounter of Light and Dark (CD-r-demo 2001/2002)
Heti pamahti Emperor mieleen kun logoa katsoin, oli pakko katsoa vaikutteet ja sieltähän se löytyi! :D