
Alcohol 11.05.2012


Drinking Some Beer, C'mon Dear,
Tasting Some Wine, Life Looks Fine,
Mixing Some Whiskey, It Ain't Too Risky,
Alcohol 95, Go And Die (Tonight)

Vodka Lotka Devochka, Tequila,
Bagne Du Champagne, In Vino Veritas,
Oi Oktoberfest, Wunderbar (Wunderbra)
Vit Vin Aquavit, Öl Skål, Gå (Gål? Goal?)

Alcohol, XXX, Alcohol,
Methanole Mixed With Ethanole,
Absinthe Roipnol, Aerosol,
Quantity Or Quality? Alcohol!
(English Version)
* Öl erroneously pronounced as Oi

-   0 216 kuuntelua

Prisoner 21.01.2019


no way to get out, sex slave in the cell, prisoner
(Hot Cores, 2010. Written after hearing some horrible news)

-   0 81 kuuntelua

Antti Liar 11.05.2012


Somebody's Just Anti-Liar, Somebody Else's Antti The Liar,
Usually Andy Ain't No Liar, But That Andy's Antti The Liar,
He Put Up Such A Filthy Show, We Just Wondered What Why How?
His Mouth Would Blow His Back Would Glow, We Were Shocked How He Had To Go..
__You Are Such A Liar, A Pathological Liar__
He Fell From A Skate He crashed His Car, He Broke His Hand Or His Very Long Nose,
2 Jobs Full Of Debts = Zanzibar!? He Gets In The Car, Gasses And Goes,
Antti Wasn't Truly Into Rock, But Into Some Stinky Mock,
Offered A Lift But Escaped With The Truck, Kill The Sea Jump Off A Dock

-   0 245 kuuntelua
Instrumental Rock

Govt Sht 11.05.2012



most tracks recd quickly during a difficult time

-   0 214 kuuntelua
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